This blog will talking about the rounding algorithm of set cover problem.
Given a Set Cover Problem, a set of elements ${ E=\{e_1,\cdots,e_n\} }$, and subsets ${ S_1,\cdots, S_m \subseteq E}$ and for each ${ S_j }$ associated weight ${ w_j }$. We hope to find a set cover ${ I }$ such that ${ \bigcup_{j\in I} S_j = E }$. The objective is minimizing ${ \sum_{j \in I} w_j }$.
Deterministic Rounding Algorithm
We can still consider the ILP for set cover
Solve the relaxed LP Problem,
Let each ${ e_i }$ element appears in at most ${ f }$ sets
Hence, we can get a similar algorithm ${ 1 }$:
Step 1: Solve the LP and get optimal solution ${ x_1^*, x_2^*,\cdots, x_m^*}$ with value ${ Z_{LP}^* }$
Step 2: Add ${ j }$ to solution ${ I }$ if ${ x_j^* \geq 1/f}$
Theorem: Algorithm ${ 1 }$ ${ f }$-approximates the optimal set cover
Polynomial Run-time: LP can be solved in polynomial time and rounding in step 2 can be finished in linear time.
Feasibility: ${ \sum_{j \in \{j\mid e_i \in S_j\}} x_j^* \geq 1 }$, so at least some ${ x_j^* \geq 1/f }$, hence ${ \sum_{j \in \{j\mid e_i \in S_j\}} \hat{x}_j \geq 1 }$.
${ f }$-approximation: for each ${ \hat{x_j} }$, if ${ x_j^* \geq 1/f }$, ${ \hat{x_j} = 1 }$, else ${ \hat{x_j} = 0 }$. And we know the minimum value of ILP ${ Z^*_{ILP} }$ will not less than the minimum value of LP ${ Z^*_{LP} }$ (because the feasible region of ILP is the subset of the feasible region of LP). Hence, we have
Hence we prove that Algorithm ${ 1 }$ is a ${ f }$-approximation algorithm. ${ \square }$
Dual Rounding Algorithm
We will try to consider the dual problem of set cover to get another approximation algorithm
Charge each ${ e_i }$ a price ${ y_i \geq 0 }$ for its coverage by some set cover.
And we need to make the total price of each ${ S_j }$ less that weight ${ w_j }$
Find the highest total price can be charged to all elements.
In fact this is a dual problem of set cover LP relaxation.
Weak dual property
Let ${ y }$ be any feasible solution to dual problem and ${ x }$ be any feasible solution to primal problem.
Because ${\sum_{j \in \{j\mid e_i \in S_j\}} x_j \geq 1 }$, we have
We can re-write the right-side, we can first iterately each subset
Addtionally, ${ \sum_{i \in {i\mid e_i \in S_j}} y_i \leq w_j }$, hence, we have
hence, any feasible solution of dual problem is at most the minimum value of primal LP
Strong dual property
We don’t prove here, we have optimal value of primal and dual problem is equal
Algorithm ${ 2 }$
Step 1: Solve the Dual LP, and get optimal solution ${ y_1^*, y_2^*,\cdots, y_n^* }$ with value ${ Z_D^* }$
Step 2: Add ${ j }$ to solution ${ I }$ if the dual constraint for ${ S_j }$ is tight, that is ${ \sum_{i \in \{i\mid e_i \in S_j\}} y_i^* = w_j }$
Algorithm ${ 2 }$ is ${ f }$-approximation algorithm
Theorem Algorithm ${ 2 }$ ${ f }$-approximates the optimal set cover
Polynomial Run-time: The Dual LP can be solved in polynomial time and Step 2 takes linear time
Feasibility: Suppose element ${ e_i }$ is not covered. Hence, for all the ${ S_j }$ such that ${ e_i \in S_j }$, their corresponding dual constraints is not tight (otherwise, we will pick up it in Step 2). So, we can inrease ${ y_i^* }$ while keeping the solution still feasible. Which contradicts to ${ Z_D^* }$ is optimal value.
${ f }$-approximation: we pick ${ S_j, j\in I }$ because constraint is tight. So, we have ${ \sum_{j\in I} w_j = \sum_{j\in I} \sum_{i \in \{i\mid e_i \in S_j\}} y_i^* }$. Because, ${ e_i }$ appears at most in ${ f }$ subsets, so ${ \sum_{j\in I} w_j = \sum_{j\in I} \sum_{i \in \{i\mid e_i \in S_j\}} y_i^* \leq f \sum_{i =1}^n y_i^* = f Z_D^* = f Z_{LP}^* \leq f Z_{ILP}^* = f OPT }$