About me


I am an observer from Earth who loves learning and experiencing new things. I crave to understand the underlying principles of anything, including the universe, life, mechanics, society, psychology, or even within myself (perhaps one day I will say something like Pavlov is busy, and Pavlov is dying). Ultimately, Ultimately, the question that I yearn to seek answers for is: who we are, where we come from, and where we are going. I understand that the search for these answers is a difficult for human being, and perhaps there may never be any definitive answers, but I am willing to contribute my efforts to my own answer before departing from this world.


I believe that the meaning of life lies in searching for the meaning of life. The meaning of life is a dynamic process. It may not be any particular thing, sentence, or person, but the collection of your experiences that have been combed through by your thoughts and reflections. And the meaning of life is to continually expand this collection. Every new thing has the potential to refresh or even overturn my past worldview and values. I want to use my own thinking to refine my perspective on life, repair or reconstruct a new system that can explain more phenomena, and complete a greater logical loop, so as to eliminate personal biases and avoid narrow viewpoints. 万物并作,吾以观复 (“All things in the world are growing and interwoven with each other, and I observe them cycling in nature.”, This is a sentence from the Tao Te Ching written by Laozi). I want to experience more interesting phenomena, meet more exciting people, and travel to more countries and regions to expand my collection, to make my life meaning richer and more colorful.

2021.9.17 昊楠 Haonan