This lecture continues to talk about Dynamic Programming, we are going to introduce Knapsack Problem and Fibonacci number problem.
Dynamic Programming
Knapsack Problem
Give ${ n }$ objects and a knapsack
Item ${ i }$ has integer weight ${ w_i > 0 }$ and value ${ v_i > 0 }$
Knapsack capacity is ${ W }$
Goal: Fill the knapsack to maximize the total value.
Here is a example, how knapsack program applied in real world. Like we need to assgin jobs to a machine to maxiniza the total value where the total processing time of the machine is bounded.
PS: in particular, here is a 0-1 knapsack problem, for each item we only have one piece.
Try: Greedy Algorithm
We can try to add items in order as their ratios (${ \frac{v_i}{w_i} }$) if the knapsack still have available capacity
Here is an example,
items | value | weight | ratio |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 6 | 2 | 3 |
3 | 18 | 5 | 3.6 |
4 | 22 | 6 | 3.66 |
5 | 28 | 7 | 4 |
If we use gready algorithm, we will pick up item ${ {5,2,1 }}$ which’s total value is ${ 35 }$. But the optimal solution is ${ {3,4} }$ and its value is ${ 40 }$.
Dynanmic Programming
If we only have one variable (value), we can not know the what the current weight limit and the weight of the ${ i^{th} }$ item, we can’t decide whether to include item ${ i }$ or not.
So, we use two varible here ${ i \in [1,n] , t\in [1,W] }$
So, we give the Subproblem Definition as follow
- Case 1 OPT does not include item ${ i }$, that means
OPT should maximize the profit on items ${ {1,\cdots, i -1 } }$ with capacity ${ t }$
- Case 2: add item ${ i }$ to knapsack, If ${w_i \leq t }$
OPT should maxm the profit on items ${ {1,\cdots, i -1 } }$ with capacity ${ t -w_1 }$
In summary, (1) if ${ i =0 }$ or ${ t = 0 }$, obviously, the ${ OPT }$ is ${ 0 }$; (2) if ${ w_i > t }$ we have no choice, we have to escape item ${ i }$, that means ${ OPT }$ equals ${ OPT(i-1,t) }$. (3) otherwise, the capacity allow us to consider choosing ${ i }$ or not, we will ${ max \{ OPT(i-1, t), v_i + OPT(i-1,t-w_i) \} }$. Thus we give our “state transition equation”
Knapsack_Problem(n,W,w_1, ... w_n,v_1,...v_n)
// Initialization
M: size n*W, the DP matrix where M[i,t] stores OPT(i,w)
for i = 0 to n:
for t = 0 to W:
M[i,t] = 0
for i = 0 to n:
for t = 0 to W:
if (w_i > t)
M[i,t] = M[i-1,t]
M[i,t] = max{M[i-1,t],v_i+M[i-1,t-w_i]}
return M[n,W]
The algorithm computes the optimal solution i.e. ${ M[n,W] = OPT(n,W)}$
Proof. We can prove it by induction
Base cases: ${ M(i,0) = 0, M(0,t) = 0, \forall i \in [0,n], t \in [0,W]}$
Induction, ${ M[j,s] = OPT(j,s), \forall j < i, s <t }$, which are all the elements lie in the lower left matrix (based on ${ M[i,t] }$)
- Case 1 ${ w_i > t }$
- Case 2 ${ w_i < t }$
We choose the larger one between adding ${ i }$ or not, which promises the optimal value
Time and Space complexity
It’s easy to get the space complexity is ${ O(nW) }$ and running time is ${ O(nW) }$. But! It’s not polynomial time. Why? Let’s check the input size (bit size), ${ O (n \lg (v_{max} + w_{max}) + \lg W) }$, we can treat it as ${ O(n \lg W) }$. Thus, compare ${ O(nW) }$ with ${ O(n\lg W) }$. If ${ W }$ dominates, the running time will not be polynomial, so this algorithm is pseudo-polynomial.
Fibonacci number
It’s easy to write down the pseudocode of recursion to get the ${ n^{th} }$ item of sequence.
if n == 1 or 2
return 1
return Fib(n-1) + Fib(n-2)
denote the time as ${ T(n) }$, we can write down the recurrence ${ T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) + \theta(1) }$. So, ${ 2T(n-2)+\Theta(1) \leq T(n) \leq 2T(n-1) +\Theta(1)}$, we can guess ${ T(n) = \Omega(2^{n/2}) = O(2^n) }$.
Assume ${ T(n) = \Omega(2^{n/2}) }$, we will prove it by induction.
Base case, ${ T(1), T(2) }$ is trivial.
By induction, ${ T(i) = \Omega(2^{i/2}) ,i<n }$
For ${ T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) + \Theta(1) \geq 2T(n-2) +\Theta(1) = 2 \Omega(2^{(n-2)/2} +\Theta(1) =\Omega(2^{n/2} ) }$
Similarly, we can prove ${ T(n) = O(2^n)}$, so we can get ${ T(n) }$ is exponential running time.
If we use Memorizing Recursion, the running time is ${ O(n) }$.