Intro Appro Alg:Definition and LP techniques


From this blog, we begin to focus on approximation algorithms. And, this blog will talking about the defnition of approximation alogirthm and the techniques of analysis through Linear Programming.

${ \alpha }$-approximation algorithm

An ${ \alpha }$-approximation algorithm for an optimization problem is a polynomial-time algorithm that for all instances of the problem produces a solution for which the value is within a factor of ${ \alpha }$ of the value of an optimal solution.

For ${ \alpha }$-approximation algorithm, that means:

  1. The algorithm runs in polynomial time.

  2. The algorithm always produces a feasible solution.

  3. The value is within a factor ${ \alpha }$ of the value of an optimal solution. (Here, ${ \alpha >1 }$, ${ OPT(I) }$ means the optimal solution of instance ${ I }$, and ${ A(I) }$ means the value generated by approximation algorithm ${ A }$ of instance ${ I }$.)

    • For max optimization ${ \frac{OPT(I)}{A(I)} \leq \alpha }$

    • For min optimization ${ \frac{A(I)}{OPT(I)} \leq \alpha }$

And a common stratege for prove an approximation algorithm within a factor ${ \alpha }$ is (take min optimazation as an example):

  1. Find an lower bound ${ u }$ of ${ OPT }$, that is ${ OPT \geq u }$

  2. Find an upper bound ${ l }$ of ${ A }$, that is ${ l \geq A }$

  3. Prove ${ l \leq \alpha u }$, that is ${ A \leq l \leq \alpha u \leq OPT }$

LP techniques (Vertex Cover as Example)

Let’s consider vertex cover problem.

Give a graph ${ G=(V,E) }$, find a subset of vertices ${ S \subseteq V }$, such that each edge has an endpoint in the set ${ S }$. Our goal is to minimize ${ \vert S \vert }$.

Algorithm ${ \mathcal{A} }$

Find a maximal matching ${ M }$ and add all endpoints of the edges in ${ M }$ to ${ S }$.

Steps: Choose the edges one by one (if the egde is compatiable to already-selected edges) until no edges can be added anymore.

Therorem: Algorithm ${ \mathcal{A} }$ is a ${ 2 }$-approximation algorithm of Vertex Cover Problem.


  1. Polynomial run-time: It’s clear to see the number of loops is ${ O(\vert E \vert ) }$.

  2. Feasibility: Suppose there exists edge ${ e \in E }$ that is not covered, that means both endpoints of ${ e }$ are not in ${ S }$. So ${ e\notin M }$. Then we can add ${ e }$ to ${ M }$, because ${ e }$ don’t have any overlap endpoints with ${ M }$. So, we get a bigger matching which contradicts to ${ M }$ is maximal matching.

  3. ${ 2 }$-approximation:

    • The edges in ${ M }$ can not share endpoints to each other, that implies ${ \vert S \vert = 2 \vert M \vert }$.
    • The optimal vertex cover needs to cover all the edges in ${ M }$, that means the optimal solution have to contain at least one endpoint of each edge in ${ M }$. And all edges in ${ M }$ can not share endpoints to each other. So ${ OPT \geq \vert M \vert }$
    • ${ \vert S \vert = 2 \vert M \vert \leq 2 OPT }$, that is ${ \frac{S}{OPT} \leq 2 }$

Hence, Algorithm ${ \mathcal{A} }$ is a ${ 2 }$-approximation algorithm. ${ \square }$

Algorithm ${ \mathcal{B} }$

First we formulate the vertex cover problem as Integer Linear Programming (ILP)

For each vertex ${ v_i \in V}$, we set indicator variable ${ x_i \in \{0,1\} }$ to represent if we selected vertex ${ v_i }$.

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} &\text{minimize} && Z = \sum_{j=1}^{\vert V \vert } x_j \\ &\text{subject to} && x_i + x_j \geq 1, \quad \forall e =\{v_i,v_j\} \in E\\ & && x_j \in \{0,1\} \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

ILP cannot be solved in polynomial time, then we relax it to LP Problem.

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} &\text{minimize} && Z = \sum_{j=1}^{\vert V \vert } x_j \\ &\text{subject to} && x_i + x_j \geq 1, \quad \forall e =\{v_i,v_j\} \in E\\ & && x_j \geq 0 \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

But after solving LP Problem, some of the decision variables are fractions. Hence we need to decide each variable is set to ${ 0 }$ or ${ 1 }$. In other words, how to decided the threshold. The way to decide the threshold will induce to many different approximation algorithms. Here, we set threshold as ${ 1/2 }$ (Because we have constrain ${ x_i + x_j \geq 1 }$ need to satisify, we will show it in detail in next proof). Here, we denote the optimal solution as ${ x_1^*, x_2^*, \cdots, x_n^* }$, and the integer solution as ${\hat{x}_1,\hat{x}_2,\cdots,\hat{x}_n}$

Theorem: Algorithm ${ \mathcal{B} }$ is a ${ 2 }$-approximation algorithm for Vertex Cover Problem.


  1. Polynomial Run-time: the relexed LP problem can be solved in polynomiak time and the seting each decision variable to integer takes ${O(n)}$ time.

  2. Feasibility: For each edge ${ e= (i,j)}$, we have to meet the constraint in relaxed LP problem, that is ${x_i^*+x_j^* \geq 1}$. So, we have either ${x_i^* \geq 1/2}$ or ${x_j^* \geq 1/2}$ (otherwise ${ x_i^*+x_j^* \leq 1 }$).

  3. ${ 2 }$-approximation: for each ${ \hat{x_j} }$, if ${ x_j^* \geq 1/2 }$, ${ \hat{x_j} = 1 }$, else ${ \hat{x_j} = 0 }$. And we know the minimum value of ILP ${ Z^*_{ILP} }$ will not less than the minimum value of LP ${ Z^*_{LP} }$ (because the feasible region of ILP is the subset of the feasible region of LP). Hence, we have

$$ \vert S \vert = \sum_{j=1}^n \hat{x}_j \leq 2 \sum_{j=1}^n x^*_j = 2Z^*_{LP}\leq 2 Z^*_{ILP} = 2 OPT $$

Hence we prove that Algorithm ${ \mathcal{B} }$ is a ${ 2 }$-approximation algorithm. ${ \square }$

Algorithm ${ \mathcal{B} }$ for weighted vertex cover

Considering the weighted vertex cover problem, we assign a weight to each vertex and want to minimize the total weight of vertex cover.

Now we can consider the ILP problem as below

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} &\text{minimize} && Z = \sum_{j=1}^{\vert V \vert } w_j x_j \\ &\text{subject to} && x_i + x_j \geq 1, \quad \forall e =\{v_i,v_j\} \in E\\ & && x_j \in \{0,1\} \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

And the relaxed LP problem as

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} &\text{minimize} && Z = \sum_{j=1}^{\vert V \vert } w_j x_j \\ &\text{subject to} && x_i + x_j \geq 1, \quad \forall e =\{v_i,v_j\} \in E\\ & && x_j \geq 0 \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

We can use Algorithm ${ \mathcal{B} }$ for weighted vertex cover problem, and we can prove it’s still a ${ 2 }$-approximation algorithm by similar proof.

$$ \sum_{j\in S} w_j = \sum_{j=1}^n w_j \hat{x}_j \leq 2 \sum_{j=1}^n w_j x^*_j = 2Z^*_{LP}\leq 2 Z^*_{ILP} = 2 OPT $$