NP, NP-Complete Problems


Thsi blog is still talking about hardness of problems, focusing on NP, NP-Complete Problems.

Definition of NP

Problems and Algorithms

The input to a computational problem will be encoded as a finite binary string ${ s }$. We denote the length of a string ${ s }$ by ${ \vert s \vert }$.

We will identify a decision problem X with the set of strings on which the answer is “yes.” An algorithm ${ A }$ for a decision problem receives an input string ${ s }$ and returns the value “yes” or “no” — we will denote this returned value by ${ A(s) }$. We say that ${ A }$ solves the problem ${ X }$ if for all strings ${ s }$, we have ${ A(s) = yes }$ if and only if ${ s \in X }$.

we say that ${ A }$ has a polynomial running time if there is a polynomial function ${ p(\cdot) }$ so that for every input string ${ s }$, the algorithm ${ A }$ terminates on ${ s }$ in at most ${ O(p(\vert s \vert)) }$ steps.

Efficient Certification

A “checking algorithm” for a problem ${ X }$ has a different structure, we need input string ${ s }$ and a separate “certificate” string ${ t }$ that contains the evidence that ${ s }$ is a “yes” instance of ${ X }$.

Thus we say that ${ C }$ is an efficient certifier for a problem ${ X }$ if

  • ${ C }$ is a polynimial-time algorithm that takes two input arguments ${ s }$ and ${ t }$.

  • We have ${ s \in X }$ if and only if there exists a string ${ t }$ such that ${ \vert t \vert \leq poly(\vert s \vert) }$ and ${ C(s,t) = yes }$

It’s toooooo abstract definition! Let’s give an example to try to understand it.

For Independent Set Problem ${ X }$ (here ${ X }$ is the set of all the yes instances in decision IS problem). We may hard to know instance ${ (G,k)\in X }$ is “yes” or “no”), but here we use the Certification way to do it. Let’s give a concerate vertex set ${ S \in G }$ with at least ${ k }$ vertices, actully this set ${ S }$ is a “certificate” string ${ t }$. And the algorithm ${ C }$ is to check whether this set ${ S }$ is a independent set (check whether there have edges in ${ S }$). So, ${ C(s,t)= yes, s = (G,k) }$ iff ${ s \in X }$. That’s clear, if ${ S }$ is indeed a independent set of ${ G }$ with at least ${ k }$ vertices, it’s no doubt ${ s=(G,k) }$ is a yes instance.

Definition of NP

  • P Problem: decision problems with polytime algortihm.

  • NP Problem: decision problems with polytime certifier (efficient certifier).

  • EXP Problem: decision problems with exponential time algorithm.

Claim 1 ${ P \subseteq NP }$

Proof. Consider a problem ${ X \in P }$, that means there exists a polynomial algorithm ${ A}$, that can solving the problem ${ X }$. That is ${ \forall s \in X }$, ${ A(s) = yes }$. Hence, for the certifier, we can set ${ t = \emptyset }$, and ${ C(t,s) = A(s) }$, it’s easy to check ${ C(t,s) =yes }$ iff ${ A(s) =yes }$. So ${ X \in NP }$, that means ${ P \subseteq NP }$. ${ \square }$

Claim 2 ${ NP \subseteq EXP }$

Proof. ${\forall X \subseteq NP }$, By definition, ${ \forall s \in X }$, ${ \exists }$ a polytime certifier ${ C(s,t) }$ with the size of ${ t }$ is poly ${ poly(\vert s \vert }$. To solve ${ s }$, we can run ${ C(s,t) }$ for all possible certificate ${ t }$. So there exists ${ exp(\vert x\vert) }$ choices for ${ t }$. And we can return yes if there exists ${ t }$ such that ${ C(s,t) }$. Otherwise, ${ s }$ is a no instance. Hence, ${ X \in EXP }$. ${ \square }$.

Defnition of NP-Complete

Definition of NP-Complete A problem ${ X}$ is NPC if

  1. ${ X \in NP }$
  2. ${ \forall Y \in NP }$, ${ Y\leq_p X }$

Claim 3 Let ${ X }$ be an NPC problem, then ${ X \in P }$ iff ${ P = NP }$.

Proof. If ${ P = NP }$, ${ X \in P }$

If ${ X \in P }$, and ${ \forall Y \in NP, Y \leq_p X}$, so ${ Y \in P }$. Hence, ${ NP \subseteq P }$, that means ${ NP = P }$ because ${ P \subseteq NP }$. ${ \square }$

Strategy to prove NPC

Let ${ X }$ be an already-known NPC Problem. Now to show ${ Y }$ is NPC

  1. ${ Y \in NP }$

  2. ${ X \leq_p Y }$.

By transitivity we can prove any NP problem can reduce to ${ Y }$. Now, we need to prove first NPC problem!!

First NPC problem – CKT-SAT

Definition of Circuit Satisfiability

Circuit Satisfiability (CKT-SAT): Given a circuit ${ K }$, directed acyclic graph (directed tree) with boolean gates ${ \land, \lor,\lnot }$ as nodes as below

  1. The sources (the bottom leaves with no incoming edges) in ${ K }$ are labeled either with one of the constants ${ 0 }$ or ${ 1 }$, or with the name of distinct variable. The nodes with variables will become the inputs to ${ K }$.

  2. Every other node is labeled with one of the Boolean operators. Nodes with ${ \land, \lor }$ have two incomming edge and nodes with ${ \lnot }$ have one incoming edge.

  3. The root node (the only one node with no outgoing edges) will represent the output.

So the Circuit Satisfiability (CKT-SAT) problem is, given a circuit ${ K }$, does there exists any input assignment so that output is ${ 1 }$.



  1. Show ${CKT-SAT \in NPC}$.

The certificate ${ t }$ can be the assignment of each inputs. And the certifier ${ C(K,t), K\in CKT-SAT }$ is the algorithm to compute the output of circuit ${ K }$, which is polynomial. So ${CKT-SAT \in NPC}$.

  1. Show ${ \forall X \in NP }$, ${ X \leq_p CKT-SAT}$.

As ${ X \in NP }$, it has a polynomial certifier ${ C(x,t), x \in X }$ such that ${ t \leq poly(\vert x \vert) }$. Hence, if we want to solve ${ X }$, we equivalently transfer it to another problem: “is there exists a ${ t }$ such that ${ t \leq poly(\vert x \vert) }$ so that ${ C(x,t) = yes }$?”

We will transfer this problem to CKT-SAT, that means if we can solve CKT-SAT, we can solve ${ X }$. Following is the construction. Because, certifier ${ C }$ indeed exists, we can transfer it to a computer, which consists of real circuits. We can take instance ${ x }$ as constants (given value) in leaves and certificate ${ t }$ as variables (input). It’s clear this CKT-SAT problem have an assignment that output ${ 1 }$ iff ${ C(x,t) =yes }$. ${ \square }$

Using Stratgy

Prove 3-SAT is NPC


  1. 3-SAT ${ \in NP }$. We can take a satisfiable assignment ${ t }$ as certifier, and the algorithm check whether input is satisfiable is a polynomial certifier.

  2. CKT-SAT ${ \leq_p }$ 3-SAT

For any instance ${ K\in }$ CKT-SAT, we will construct a 3-SAT instance by it as follow.

(a) For each edge in the circuit ${ K }$, creat a SAT variable ${ x_i }$.

(b) For each node ${ v }$ labeled with ${ \lnot }$, suppose the incoming edge is ${ u }$, we need to guarantee ${ x_v = \overline{x_u} }$. We can use two clauses ${ (x_v \lor x_u) }$ and ${ (\overline{x_v} \lor \overline{x_u}) }$ to replace.

Showing the equivalence. ${\Rightarrow}$: if ${ x_v = \overline{x_u} }$, it's easy to check ${ (x_v \lor x_u) = 1}$ and ${ (\overline{x_v} \lor \overline{x_u}) =1}$; ${\Leftarrow}$: if ${ (x_v \lor x_u) =1}$ and ${ (\overline{x_v} \lor \overline{x_u}) = 1 }$, assume ${ x_v \neq \overline{x_u} }$, that means ${ x_v = x_u }$, so we cannot guarantee ${ (x_v \lor x_u) }$ and ${ (\overline{x_v} \lor \overline{x_u}) }$ is ${ 1 }$ at the same time.

(c) For each node ${ v }$ labeled with ${ \lor }$, and its two incoming edges are ${ u }$ and ${ w }$. We need to have ${ x_v = x_u \lor x_w }$. We can use three clauses ${ (x_v \lor \overline{x_u}) }$, ${ (x_v \lor \overline{x_w}) }$ and ${ (\overline{x_v} \lor x_u \lor x_w) }$ to replace.

Showing the equivalence. If ${ x_v = 1 }$, we need either ${ x_u = 1 }$ or ${ x_w =1 }$. It's trivial ${ (x_v \lor \overline{x_u}) = 1 }$ and ${ (x_v \lor \overline{x_w}) = 1 }$. And ${ x_u = 1 }$ or ${ x_w =1 }$ is equivalent to ${ (\overline{x_v} \lor x_u \lor x_w) = (0 \lor x_u \lor x_w) = 1}$. If ${ x_v = 0 }$, we need both ${ x_u = 0 }$ and ${ x_w = 1 }$. It's trivial ${ (\overline{x_v} \lor x_u \lor x_w) = 1 }$. And ${ x_u = 0 }$ and ${ x_w = 1 }$ is equivalent to ${ (x_v \lor \overline{x_u}) =1 }$, ${ (x_v \lor \overline{x_w}) = 1}$

(d) For each node ${ v }$ labeled with ${ \land }$, and its two incoming edges are ${ u }$ and ${ w }$. We need to have ${ x_v = x_u \land x_w }$. We can use three clauses ${ (\overline{x_v} \lor x_u) }$, ${ (x_v \lor \overline{x_w}) }$ and ${ (x_v \lor \overline{x_u} \lor \overline{x_w}) }$ to replace.

Showing the equivalence. Similar with above discussion. Consider ${ x_v = 0 }$ or ${ 1 }$.

(e) For each constant leaf ${ v }$, we set clause ${ x_v }$ if the constant is ${ 1 }$. Otherwise ${ \overline{x_v} }$. (Easy to check)

(f) The output node ${ o }$ set clause ${ x_o }$.

(g) Now, we fill each clause to three literals. For each clause with two literals, ${ (x_v \lor x_w) }$, we replace it as two clauses ${ (x_v \lor x_w \lor x_w) \land (x_v \lor x_w \lor \overline{x_w}) }$. For one literal ${ x_v }$, replaced as ${ (x_v \lor x_w) \land (x_v \lor \overline{x_w}) }$.

If we have a assignment to 3-SAT instance, it’s easy to get the variables of leaves is an assignment to CKT-SAT instance. And, if we already have a assignment to inputs of CKT-SAT, we can use all literals described before as an assignment to 3-SAT problems.

${ 3 }$-SAT ${ \leq_p }$ ${ 3 }$ coloring

Graph Coloring Porblem: Given a graph ${ G }$, we want to color each node such that no two adjacent nodes get the same color.

${ k }$ Coloring Porblem: Given a graph ${ G }$ and a parameter ${ k }$, can ${ G }$ be colored with ${ k }$ colors?

${ 2- }$coloring problem

${G }$ has a valid ${ 2 }$-coloring iff ${ G }$ is a bipartite graph. We can use BFS or DFS to check a graph if is a bipartite graph.

Prove ${ 3 }$ coloring is NPC


  1. ${ 3 }$ coloring ${ \in NP }$.

We can pick up a valid 3-coloring assignment to each nodes as a certificate ${ t }$. And the algortithm check each edge ${ \{u,v\} }$ if has a conflict nodes coloring, that is ${ color{u) \neq color(v} }$.

  1. ${ 3 }$ coloring ${ \leq_p }$ ${ 3 }$-SAT

Given an instance ${ \phi \in 3-SAT }$, with ${ n }$ variables and ${ m }$ clauses ${ c_1, c_2,\cdots,c_m }$.

We will creat a graph ${ G }$ as following

  1. Creat a triangle with three nodes ${ T, F, B }$. (Spoiler: We will use three colors named ${ T,F, B }$, and we are going to assign “True” to variables with ${ T }$ color and “False” to variables with ${ F }$ color.)

  2. For each variable ${ x_i \in \phi}$, we add two nodes ${ v_i }$ and ${ \overline{v_i} }$. And we connected ${ v_i }$, ${ \overline{v_i} }$ and ${ B }$ to each other.

  • Observation 1 We will find, in this structure, the nodes representing literals can only be labeled as ${ T }$ or ${ F }$, and ${ v_i, \overline{v_i} }$ will be assigned to different labels. (Because they are connected to each other)
  1. For each clauses, we will use following “OR” gadget to represent it. Following figure show the structure representing clause ${ (a\lor \overline{b} \lor c) }$ (For readability, in the left side we draw the “B” node in triangle repeatedly).

  • Observation 2 The output node in OR gadget must be ${ T }$, due to it link to ${ B }$ and ${ F }$.

  • Observation 3 We will find the structure in the red box is a “OR” structure. If one of the literals is True, we can given a valid coloring plan to each nodes. If all the literals are False, the last nodes must be ${ F }$ which is conflict to Observation 2.

Following we will show the equivalence.

${\Rightarrow}$: If we have a True assignment to 3-SAT instance ${ \phi }$, we can first, assign ${ T }$ or ${ F }$ to the nodes in graph as their boolean value. And, then because it’s a true assignment, we can always find a suitable coloring plan to fill the nodes in gadget. Hence, we have a 3-coloring plan in ${ G }$.

${\Leftarrow}$: If we have a valid 3-coloring plan ${ T,B,F }$ in ${ G }$ and we set the initial triangle with our designing color, we can get the boolean value from the variable nodes by the color ${ T }$ or ${ F }$. Because, ${ G }$ indeed have a 3-coloring plan. So, each clause represented by a gadget is True. Otherwise, we cannot find a valid 3-coloring in the gadget.