Intro Appro Alg:Definition and LP techniques
From this blog, we begin to focus on approximation algorithms. And, this blog will talking about the defnition of approximation alogirthm and the techniques of analysis through Linear Programming.
Lecture 11:Degeneracy
This blog is talking about the concept of degeneracy. Which is actually a horrible situation in following algorithm called simplex we will going to talk about.
Linear Programming and Its Dual Problem
In the following blogs, we will focus on approximate algorithm. However, ahead of formally introdcuing this topic, we need to first introduce a strong tool that are useful in analysis and designing approximate algorithms – Linear Programing Problem and its dual problem.
NP, NP-Complete Problems
Thsi blog is still talking about hardness of problems, focusing on NP, NP-Complete Problems.
Lecture 10:Polyhedra in Standard form
This blog is talking about how to solve the basic solutions from LO problem.
Polynimial Reduction
The following blogs we will talks about the Hardness of Probelms that are P, NP, NPC problems. This blog will focus on reduction, and how to do reduction.
Applications of Max flow
This blog talks about two applications of Max flow problem, that are bipartite matching problem and edge-disjoint path problem
100 post articles, 13 pages.