Lecture 14:Optimality of a basic feasible solution
This blog is talking about how to move to another basic feasible solution and how to judge the basic feasible solution is optimal.
Intro Appro Alg:Randomized Rounding Algorithm
This blog will talking about a randomized rounding algorithm.
Lecture 13:Optimality and extreme points
This blog is talking about the relation between extreme points and optimality of LO Problem.
Intro Appro Alg:Gready Algorithm
This blog will talking about the gready algorithm to solve unweighted and weighted set cover problem. And in the end we will show how to use dual problem to analyze to get better approximation bound.
Out-of-Order (OoO) Superscalar
This blog talks about Out-of-Order (OoO) Superscalar pipeline. We will give what hardware do in each stage.
Intro Appro Alg:Primal-Dual Method
This blog will talking about an algorithm that construct a solution for LP instead of solving LP.
Lecture 12:Existence of extreme points
This blog is talking about the when there exists extreme points. The key idea of solving LP problem is optimal solution will be at basic feasible solution. But, some polyhedron have no extreme point. This blog will introduce how to tell a polyhedron processes at least one extreme point.
Intro Appro Alg:Rounding and Dual rounding algorithm
This blog will talking about the rounding algorithm of set cover problem.
100 post articles, 13 pages.