Lecture 14:Optimality of a basic feasible solution


This blog is talking about how to move to another basic feasible solution and how to judge the basic feasible solution is optimal.

Feasible direction

Def 3.1 Let $\bar{x}$ be an element of a polyhedron $P$ inside $\mathbb{R}^n$. A vector $d \in \mathbb{R}^n$ is said to be a feasible direction at $\bar{x}$ if there exists a positive scalar $\theta$ for which $\bar{x} + \theta \bar{d} \in P$

Basic feasible directions: how to move along edges of the feasible polyhedron?

Let $\bar{x}$ be a basic feasible solution $B(1), …, B(m)$ be the indices of the basic variables

$$ B = \begin{bmatrix} A_{B(1)} & A_{B(2)} & \dots & A_{B(m)} \end{bmatrix} $$

be the corresponding basis matrix.

Recall that $x_i = 0$ for $i \not\in \{B(1), …, B(m)\}$

$$ \bar{x}_B = \begin{bmatrix} x_{B(1)} \\ \vdots \\ x_{B(m)} \end{bmatrix} $$

is given by

$$ \bar{x}_B = B^{-1} \bar{b} $$

We want to move from $\bar{x}$ to $\bar{x} + \theta \bar{d}$ (with $\theta > 0$) in such a way that only one of the nonbasic variables, say $x_j$, increases.

This way, only one of the nonnegativity constraints active at the b.f.s. $\bar{x}$ is relaxed and no longer active at $\bar{x} + \theta \bar{d}$. This ensures that we travel along an edge of the feasible polyhedron.

Thus we choose $j \notin \{B(1), B(2), …, B(m)\}$, and we set

\[\begin{cases} d_j = 1 \\ d_i = 0, & \text{for all } i \notin \{B(1), B(2), ..., B(m)\} \text{ with } i \neq j \end{cases}\]

Since we want to move within the feasible region, we require that the equality constraints are still satisfied as we move, i.e., we require $A(\mathbf{x} + \theta \mathbf{d}) = \mathbf{b}$.

$$ \begin{aligned} &A(\bar{x} + \theta \bar{d}) = \bar{b}, A\bar{x} = \bar{b} \\ & \Rightarrow \theta \cdot A\bar{d} = \bar{0}, \theta > 0 \\ &\Rightarrow A\bar{d} = \bar{0}. \end{aligned} $$


\[\bar{0} = A\bar{d} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \bar{A}_i d_i = \bar{A}_j \cdot \textbf{1} + \sum_{i=1}^{m} \bar{A}_{B(i)} d_{B(i)} = \bar{A}_j + B \cdot \bar{d}_B\]

Since the basis matrix $B$ is invertible, we obtain

\[\bar{A}_j + B \bar{d}_B = \bar{0}\] \[B \bar{d}_B = - \bar{A}_j\] \[\bar{d}_B = - B^{-1} \bar{A}_j\]

Basic feasible direction

The vector $\bar{d} = \begin{bmatrix} \bar{d}_B \ \bar{d}_N \end{bmatrix}$ with $\bar{d}_N = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & \cdots & 1 & \cdots & 0 \end{bmatrix}^\top$ (only ${ j^{\text{th}} }$ component as ${ 1 }$) and $\bar{d}_B = -B^{-1} \bar{A}_j$ (basic components) is called $j^{th}$ basic direction at the b.f.s. $\bar{x}$ with basis matrix $B$.

Since we want to move within the feasible region, we must also require that the nonnegativity constraints be satisfied as we move, i.e., we require $\bar{x} + \theta \bar{d} \geq \bar{0}$.

Clearly, $\bar{x}_N + \theta \cdot \bar{d}_N \geq \bar{0}$ is automatically satisfied since $\bar{x}_N = \bar{0}$, $\theta > 0$, and $\bar{d}_N = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & \cdots & 1 & \cdots & 0 \end{bmatrix}^\top$ (only ${ j^{\text{th}} }$ component as ${ 1 }$).

How about $\bar{x}_B + \theta \bar{d}_B$? We need to consider the following two cases


The b.f.s. $\bar{x}$ is nondegenerate iff $\bar{x}_B > \bar{0}$.

In that case, we can pick the positive number $\theta$ sufficiently small, and guarantee that $\bar{x}_B + \theta \cdot \bar{d}_B \geq \bar{0}$. Hence $\bar{x} + \theta \cdot \bar{d}$ is feasible and $\bar{d}$ is a feasible direction at $\bar{x}$.


The b.f.s. $\bar{x}$ is degenerate iff one of its basic components, say $\bar{x}_{B(j)}$, is zero.

In that case, it could happen that ${\bar{x}_{B(j)} + \theta \cdot \bar{d}_{B(j)} < 0}$ for all ${\theta > 0}$ if the component ${\bar{d}_{B(j)}}$ of ${\bar{d}_B = -B^{-1} \bar{A}_j}$ happens to be negative. In such a situation, the direction $\bar{d}$ would not be feasible at $\bar{x}$.

Reduce cost

How does the cost change as we move along an edge?

As we travel away from the corner / b.f.s. $\bar{x}$ along the $j^{th}$ basic feasible direction $\bar{x} + \theta \bar{d}$, the cost changes: $\theta \mapsto c^\top (\bar{x} + \theta \bar{d})$ at the rate $\bar{c}^\top \bar{d} = c_j \cdot 1 + \bar{c}_B^\top \bar{d}_B = (c_j - \bar{c}_B^\top B^{-1} \bar{A}_j)$.

Definition: Let $\bar{x}$ be a b.f.s. with associated basis matrix $B$. The number $\tilde{c}_j = c_j - \bar{c}_B^\top B^{-1} A_j$ is called the reduced cost of the variable $x_j$ at the b.f.s. $\bar{x}$.

The (row) vector $\bar{\tilde{c}}^\top := c^\top - \bar{c}_B^\top B^{-1} A$ is called the vector of reduced costs at the b.f.s. $\bar{x}$.


The reduced cost of every basic variable is zero.


Let’s consider the basis matrix $B$ and its associated columns from the matrix $A$:

$$ B = \begin{bmatrix} \bar{A}_{B(1)} \bar{A}_{B(2)} \cdots \bar{A}_{B(m)} \end{bmatrix} $$

Here, $e_i$ is the $i^{th}$ column of the identity matrix:

$$ B^{-1} \cdot B = B^{-1} \begin{bmatrix} \bar{A}_{B(1)} \bar{A}_{B(2)} \cdots \bar{A}_{B(m)} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \bar{e}_1 & \bar{e}_2 & \cdots & \bar{e}_m \end{bmatrix} $$

From the above, we can deduce that:

$$ B^{-1} A_{B(i)} = e_i $$

Thus, for the reduced costs we get:

$$ \tilde{c}_{B(i)} = c_{B(i)} - \bar{c}_B^T B^{-1} A_{B(i)} = c_{B(i)} - \bar{c}_B^T e_i = c_{B(i)} - c_{B(i)} = 0 $$

Hence, the reduced cost of every basic variable is zero. $\square$

Optimal certification

Theorem: Let $\bar{x}$ be a b.f.s. of

$$ \begin{aligned} & \text{minimize} & c^\top \bar{x} \\ & \text{subject to} & A\bar{x} = b \\ & & \bar{x} \geq 0 \\ \end{aligned} $$

with associated basis matrix $B$ and corresponding vector of reduced cost $\bar{c}$.

  1. If $\bar{\tilde{c}} \geq 0$, THEN $\bar{x}$ is an optimal solution.
  2. If $\bar{x}$ is an optimal and nondegenerate b.f.s., THEN $\bar{\tilde{c}} \geq 0$.


(1) We assume $\bar{\tilde{c}} \geq 0$. Pick any feasible solution $\tilde{y}$. We need to show that $c^T \bar{x} \leq c^T \tilde{y}$.

Let $\bar{d} = \bar{y} - \bar{x}$. Since $\bar{x}$ and $\tilde{y}$ are both feasible, we have $A\bar{d} = A(\bar{y} - \bar{x}) = A\bar{y} - A\bar{x} = \bar{b} - \bar{b} = \mathbf{0}$.

Let $N \subset {1, 2, …, n}$ denote the subset of indices corresponding to the nonbasic variables for the b.f.s. $\bar{x}$.

Then $\bar{0} = A\bar{d} = B \bar{d}_B + \sum_{i \in N} \bar{A}_i d_i$.

Since the basis matrix is invertible, we obtain

\[\bar{d}_B = - \sum_{i \in N} B^{-1} \bar{A}_i d_i\]

It follows that

\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} c^\top \bar{y} - c^\top \bar{x} &= c^T \bar{d} \\ &= \bar{c}_B^\top \bar{d}_B + \sum_{i \in N} c_i d_i \\ &= - \bar{c}_B^\top B^{-1} \sum_{i \in N} \bar{A}_i d_i + \sum_{i \in N} c_i d_i \\ &= \sum_{i \in N} (c_i - \bar{c}_B^\top B^{-1} \bar{A}_i) d_i \\ & = \sum_{i \in N} \tilde{c}_i d_i \end{aligned} \end{equation}\]

For all $i \in N$, we have

  • $\bar{x}_i = 0$ (because the nonbasic components of a b.f.s. are zero) and

  • $\tilde{y}_i \geq 0$ (because $\tilde{y}$ satisfies the nonnegativity constraints since $\tilde{y}$ is feasible)

Thus $d_i = \tilde{y}_i - \bar{x}_i \geq 0$.

Since both $\tilde{c}_i \geq 0$ and $d_i \geq 0$ for all $i \in N$, we have

$\bar{c}^\top \bar{y} - \bar{c}^\top \bar{x} = \sum_{i \in N} \tilde{c}_i d_i \geq 0$. :)

(2) Suppose ${\bar{x}}$ is a nondegenerate b.f.s. and that one of the reduced costs at ${\bar{x}}$ is negative, say ${\bar{c}_j < 0}$.

Since the reduced cost of a basic variable is necessarily 0, we know that the variable ${x_j}$ is nonbasic.

Since ${\bar{x}}$ is a nondegenerate b.f.s., the ${j^{th}}$ basic direction at ${\bar{x}}$ is feasible and, since ${\tilde{c}_j < 0}$, it is a feasible direction of cost decrease.

Moving away from ${\bar{x}}$ in that direction, we will get a feasible solution whose cost is less than that of ${\bar{x}}$. Hence ${\bar{x}}$ is not optimal. ${ \square }$

As a consequence of above theorem, we get the following simple criterion for figuring out whether a b.f.s. is optimal or not:

Given a basic solution ${\bar{x}}$.

IF ${\bar{x}}$ is feasible and the reduced costs at ${\bar{x}}$ are all nonnegative, THEN the b.f.s. ${\bar{x}}$ is optimal.

Definition: A basis matrix $B$ is said to be optimal if ${\bar{B}^{\top}b \geq 0}$ and ${\tilde{\bar{c}}^\top = \bar{c}^{\top} - \bar{c}_B^{\top}B^{-1}A \geq \bar{0}^\top}$

  • ${\bar{B}^{\top}b \geq 0}$ ensures that the basic solution corresponding to the basis matrix $B$ is a basic feasible solution.

  • ${\tilde{\bar{c}}^\top = \bar{c}^{\top} - \bar{c}_B^{\top}B^{-1}A \geq \bar{0}^\top}$ means all reduced cost being negative ensures that the b.f.s. corresponding to the basis matrix $B$ is optimal.

The basic solution corresponding to an optimal basis matrix is necessarily an optimal b.f.s.