From today, I will post the study notes fo Linear Algebra (following the MIT 18.06). In the meantime, I am going to finish the assignments in this class and post my solutions.
The web page and videos are available on
The assignments are available on and
The fundamental problem of linear algebra is to solve a system of linear equations. First, we will talk about the most normal and nice case, that is “n linear equations, n unknowns”.
Row picture
Take a example
Then, we can easily get the matrix form, the cofficent of matrix, the vector of unknowns and vector of right hands number.
Actually, we often note the above matrix as ${ A }$, the vector of unknowns as ${ \boldsymbol{x} }$ and the right-hand vector ${ b }$, then we get
Then we will draw the row picture, we pick one row at a time and draw it in the x-y plane. We can get the solution ${ x=1, y=2 }$, which is the point that lies on both lines.
Column picture (#)
Column picture is the key point. We can treat the above equation as follow.
So, our goal is how to combine the two vectors in the right amounts to get the right-hand vector. Actually, this process called “Linear Combination”, what we do is to find a right linear combination of “columns” to fit the problem. Let’s check the solution ${ (1,2) }$ in the column picture.
If we pick all the ${ x }$ and all the ${ y }$, we can get any right-hand vector, that means the all the combination of these two vectors can cover the whole plane.
Take another eample of 3 equations and 3 unknowns.
Let’s transform it to the matrix form.
In the row picture, each equation in the above system determine a plane in three-dimention space. And, two of them determine a line in 3D space.
For the column picture, it’s easy to get the solution is ${ x=0,y=0,z=1 }$.
Question: Can I solve ${ A\boldsymbol{x}=b }$ for every ${ b }$?
OR the question is: Do the linear combinations of the columns fill tree dimentional space?
In this case, the answer is absolutely “yes”! But in some case, like the three columns of ${ A }$ lies in one plane of 3D space. We are in trouble.
Matrix form
Coming back to the formula ${ Ax =b }$
Let’s see how a matrix times a vector.
Take a example, the following method treat ${ Ax }$ as a combination of columns of ${ A }$
OR, we can do it by dot production